South Woodham Ferrers United Y U9 Hawks

South Woodham Ferrers United Y U9 Hawks

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Type Date / Time Home Team Away Team
L 19/05/24 10:00 Hatfield Peverel Youth U9 Blaze X - X
South Woodham Ferrers United Y U9 Hawks
L 12/05/24 00:00 South Woodham Ferrers United Y U9 Hawks P - P
Langley Colts Y U9 Mustangs Postponed
L 05/05/24 10:00 Linford Wanderers Y U9 Red X - X
South Woodham Ferrers United Y U9 Hawks
L 28/04/24 00:00 South Woodham Ferrers United Y U9 Hawks X - X
Newhall Rangers Y U9 Reds Home Win Penalties
L 21/04/24 00:00 Ongar Juniors Y U9 White X - X
South Woodham Ferrers United Y U9 Hawks
L 14/04/24 10:00 South Woodham Ferrers United Y U9 Hawks X - X
Hatfield Broad Oak Y U9 Reds
Cup 25/02/24 11:15 South Woodham Ferrers United Y U9 Hawks X - X
Brentwood Town Youth U9 Hurricanes
O 28/01/24 00:00 Herongate Athletic Y U9 Amber X - X
South Woodham Ferrers United Y U9 Hawks
O 21/01/24 11:30 Intersports Y U9 Whites X - X
South Woodham Ferrers United Y U9 Hawks
O 14/01/24 11:30 South Woodham Ferrers United Y U9 Hawks X - X
Linford Wanderers Y U9 Red
O 17/12/23 10:00 Springfield Y U10 Gold X - X
South Woodham Ferrers United Y U9 Hawks
O 10/12/23 12:30 South Woodham Ferrers United Y U9 Hawks X - X
Ongar Juniors Y U9 White
O 03/12/23 00:00 Intersports Y U9 Whites X - X
South Woodham Ferrers United Y U9 Hawks
O 26/11/23 12:45 South Woodham Ferrers United Y U9 Hawks X - X
Linford Wanderers Y U9 Red
O 19/11/23 10:00 South Woodham Ferrers United Y U9 Hawks X - X
Bishop's Stortford Swifts Youth U9 Swift
O 12/11/23 00:00 Brentwood Town Youth U9 Tornadoes X - X
South Woodham Ferrers United Y U9 Hawks
O 05/11/23 10:00 South Woodham Ferrers United Y U9 Hawks X - X
Blackmore Youth U9 Blue
O 29/10/23 12:30 Blackmore Youth U9 Blue X - X
South Woodham Ferrers United Y U9 Hawks
O 15/10/23 10:00 Intersports Y U9 Whites X - X
South Woodham Ferrers United Y U9 Hawks
O 08/10/23 10:00 South Woodham Ferrers United Y U9 Hawks X - X
Ongar Juniors Y U9 White
O 01/10/23 14:00 South Woodham Ferrers United Y U9 Hawks X - X
Springfield Y U10 Gold
O 24/09/23 11:30 Buckhurst Hill Y U9 Whites X - X
South Woodham Ferrers United Y U9 Hawks
O 17/09/23 12:45 South Woodham Ferrers United Y U9 Hawks X - X
Brentwood Town Youth U9 Tornadoes

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Pos Player Name Appearances Overall Goals Goals Penalties Assists Yellow Cards Red Cards Second Yellow Card Sin Bin Started Subbed On Subbed Off Bench Used Bench Unused Own Goal Conceded Captain Player Of Match
1 Burgess, Harry 6
2 Harvey, Benjamin 1 3 2
3 Hearn, Jack 5 1
4 Hennessy, Theo 6
5 Knight, James 2 1 3
6 Leslie, Freddie 4 2
7 Marden, George 6
8 Norrington, Jack 2 3
9 Phillips, Buddy 1 5
10 Read, Joseph 6
11 Sugrue, Keaton 4 1 1

Team Season

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Date Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form

Team Season Totals

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Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form


Harry Burgess

Benjamin Harvey

Jack Hearn

Theo Hennessy

James Knight

Freddie Leslie

George Marden

Jack Norrington

Buddy Phillips

Joseph Read

Keaton Sugrue

Players' names are displayed on this page to allow players to track their own stats and for player registration audit purposes completed by the league. If you have concerns about you or your child's name being displayed, please use the contact form.